Press Releases |
December 2014
Statement By Secretary Johnson On Cyber Attack On Sony Pictures Entertainment (DHS)
年末年始開館日のお知らせ (大使館)
お知らせ (大使館)
移民政策に関するオバマ大統領の演説 (大使館)
お知らせ (大使館)
Written testimony of DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson for a House Committee on Homeland Security hearing titled “Open Borders: The Impact of Presidential Amnesty on Border Security” (DHS)
November 2014
Give Yourself the Gift of Online Security (DHS)
Fact Sheet: Fixing Our Broken Immigration System Through Executive Action (DHS)
Eメールの通信障害について (大使館)
Enhanced Airport Entry Screening to Begin for Travelers to the United States From Mali (DHS)
Ombudsman's Fourth Annual Conference: Government and Stakeholders Working Together to Improve Immigration Services (USCIS)
中国国籍の方の非移民ビザ国別相互規定の改定 (大使館)
お知らせ (大使館)
Statement by Secretary Johnson on Security Enhancements to the Visa Waiver Program (DHS)
ESTA質問事項が追加されました (大使館)
October 2014
お知らせ (大使館)
Written testimony of CBP Office of Field Operations acting Assistant Commissioner John Wagner for a House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations hearing titled “Examining the U.S. Public Health Response to the Ebola Outbreak” (DHS)
台風19号 (大使館)
特別休業のお知らせ (大使館)
台風18号最新情報(2014年10月6日) (大使館)
台風18号 (大使館)
September 2014
DV-2016移民多様化ビザ抽選プログラム (大使館)
非移民ビザ面接予約変更オプション (大使館)
DHS Announces Expansion of the Securing the Cities Program to the National Capital Region (DHS)
August 2014
ビザ申請料金の改定 (大使館)
特別休業のお知らせ (大使館)
ビザシステム状況 (大使館)
July 2014
お知らせ (大使館)
ビザシステム不具合について (大使館)
June 2014
Statement by Secretary Johnson on Increased Influx of Unaccompanied Immigrant Children at the Border (DHS)
May 2014
館内持込み制限についてのお知らせ (大使館)
DV-2015移民多様化ビザ抽選プログラム当選者のDS-260使用開始 (大使館)
Readout of Secretary Johnson's Meetings with Immigration Stakeholders (DHS)
April 2014
FEMA: Be Prepared for Continuing Severe Weather (DHS)
FEMA Urges Preparedness Ahead of Severe Weather (DHS)
Readout of Secretary Johnson’s Meeting With Key Immigration Stakeholders (DHS)
大使館・領事館会計での支払い (大使館)
特別休業のお知らせ (大使館)
March 2014
Readout of Secretary Johnson’s Meeting with Organizations Committed to Passing Bipartisan Immigration Reform (DHS)
特別休業のお知らせ (大使館)
チリがビザ免除プログラム参加国に (大使館)
February 2014
DHS Welcomes Chile into the Visa Waiver Program (DHS)
A Special Naturalization Ceremony (DHS)
特別休業のお知らせ(14日午後-東京) (大使館)
特別休業のお知らせ (大使館)
January 2014
December 2013
K(婚約者)ビザ面接予約方法の変更 (大使館)
Written testimony of USCIS Deputy Director Lori Scialabba, ICE Deputy Director Daniel Ragsdale, and CBP Office of Border Patrol Chief Michael Fisher for a House Committee on the Judiciary hearing titled “Asylum Abuse: Is it Overwhelming our Borders?” (DHS)
12月特別休業のお知らせ (大使館)
移民ビザの指紋採取 (大使館)
November 2013
Written testimony of CBP Office of Field Operations Acting Deputy Assistant Commissioner John Wagner for a House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Subcommittee on National Security hearing titled “Border Security Oversight, Part III: Border Crossing Cards and B1/B2 Visas” (DHS)
Written testimony of ICE Homeland Security Investigations, National Security Division Assistant Director John Woods for a House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Subcommittee on National Security hearing titled “Border Security Oversight, Part III: Border Crossing Cards and B1/B2 Visas” (DHS)
Eビザ年次報告書提出方法変更のお知らせ (大使館)
DV-2015の登録期間は終了しました (大使館)
特別休業のお知らせ (大使館)
11月4日 (大使館)
October 2013
Ombudsman’s Third Annual Conference: Working Together to Improve Immigration Services (DHS)
台風26号に関するお知らせ (大使館)
新規のK(婚約者)ビザ申請にはDS-160を使用 (大使館)
特別休業のお知らせ (大使館)
DV-2015移民多様化ビザ抽選プログラム (大使館)
お知らせ (大使館)
September 2013
DV-2015移民多様化ビザ抽選プログラム (大使館)
Celebrating Citizenship Day and Constitution Day (DHS)
Acting Secretary Beers Participates in Special Naturalization Ceremony (DHS)
ICE Launches Operation Predator Smartphone App (DHS)
特別休業のお知らせ (大使館)
August 2013
新しい移民ビザ申請書、DS-260 (大使館)
Secretary Napolitano Participates in Naturalization Ceremony in New York City (DHS)
特別休業のお知らせ (大使館)
Form I-129Sの改訂 (大使館)
Meeting with Business Leaders on Commonsense Immigration Reform (DHS)
July 2013
外交・公用ビザ申請手続きの変更に関するお知らせ(東京) (大使館)
Written testimony of USCIS Refugee, Asylum, and International Operations Associate Director Joseph Langlois for a House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Subcommittee on National Security hearing titled “Border Security Oversight, Part III: Examining Asylum Requests” (USCIS)
東京での永住資格の放棄受付が月曜日に変更になります (大使館)
Immigrants Begin New Journey as U.S. Citizens at Treasury Ceremony (DHS)
The United States to Welcome More Than 7,800 New Citizens During Independence Day Celebrations (DHS)
Statement by Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano on the Implementation of the Supreme Court Ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act (DHS)
お知らせ (大使館)
June 2013
Statement by Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano on Senate Passage of Immigration Reform (DHS)
Written testimony of ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations Executive Associate Director Thomas Homan for a House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Subcommittee on National Security hearing titled “Border Security Oversight: Identifying and Responding to Current Threats” (USICE)
Written testimony of CBP Border Patrol Chief Michael Fisher and Office of Field Operations Acting Assistant Commissioner David Murphy for a House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Subcommittee on National Security hearing titled “Border Security Oversight: Identifying and Responding to Current Threats” (USCBP)
Statement by Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano on the Supreme Court Ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act (DHS)
Statement by Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano on the Border Security Amendment Proposed in the Senate (DHS)
Written testimony of CBP Office of Field Operations Executive Director for Planning, Program, Analysis, and Evaluation Colleen Manaher for a House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Subcommittee on Government Operations hearing titled “Federal Government Approaches to Issuing Biometric IDs: Part II” (USCBP)
出入国記録カード(I-94)電子化へ (大使館)
May 2013
米国大使館ビザ課のTwitter (大使館)
Written testimony of ICE Homeland Security Investigations Executive Associate Director James Dinkins, CBP Office of Field Operations Acting Deputy Assistant Commissioner John Wagner, and NPPD Office of Biometric Identity Management Deputy Director Shonnie Lyon for a House Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security hearing titled “Visa Security and Overstays: How Secure is America?” (USICE)
Written testimony of DHS Office of Policy, U.S. Customs and Border Protection and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement for a Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs hearing titled “Border Security: Examining Provisions in the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act (S. 744)” (DHS)
April 2013
Written testimony of U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano for a Senate Committee on the Judiciary hearing titled “The Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, S.744” (DHS)
Statement by Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano on Immigration Reform in Congress (DHS)
DHS at 10: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (DHS)
Written testimony of U.S. Customs and Border Protection for a Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs hearings titled “Border Security: Frontline Perspectives on Progress and Remaining Challenges” (USCBP)
Written testimony of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations Executive Associate Director James Dinkins for a Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs hearings titled “Border Security: Frontline Perspectives on Progress and Remaining Challenges” (USCBP)
特別休業のお知らせ (大使館)
March 2013
Written testimony of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director John Morton for a House Committee on the Judiciary hearing titled: “The release of criminal detainees by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement: Policy or Politics?” (DHS)
Written testimony of DHS’ CIO for a House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Oversight & Management Efficiency hearing titled “DHS Information Technology: How Effectively Has DHS Harnessed IT to Secure Our Borders and Uphold Immigration Laws?” (DHS)
February 2013
Written testimony of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for a House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security hearing titled “How E-Verify Works and How it Benefits American Employers and Workers”(DHS)
A Special Naturalization Ceremony (DHS)
特別休業のお知らせ (大使館)
Written testimony of Secretary Napolitano for a Senate Committee on the Judiciary hearing titled “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” (DHS)
Readout of White House and Department of Homeland Security Officials’ Meeting with Law Enforcement on Comprehensive Immigration Reform(DHS)
January 2013
USCIS: Protecting Victims of Human Trafficking (DHS)
December 2012
特別休業のお知らせ (大使館)
特別休業のお知らせ (大使館)
Written testimony of I&A for a House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence hearing titled “Terrorist Exploitation of Refugee Programs” (DHS)
Written testimony of USCIS for a House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence hearing titled “Terrorist Exploitation of Refugee Programs” (DHS)
November 2012
特別休業のお知らせ (大使館)
Readout of Secretary Napolitano's Participation in a Special Citizenship Ceremony for Adopted Children (DHS)
お知らせ (大使館)
DV-2014の登録期間は終了しました (大使館)
October 2012
特別休業のお知らせ (大使館)
インターナショナル バーチャル カレッジ フェア (大使館)
台湾がビザ免除プログラム参加国に (大使館)
September 2012
重要なお知らせ (大使館)
DV-2014 移民多様化ビザ抽選プログラム (大使館)
Celebrating Constitution Day and Citizenship Day (DHS)
32,000 New Citizens During Annual Constitution Day and Citizenship Day (DHS)
特別休業日のお知らせ (大使館)
Written testimony of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement National Security Investigations Assistant Director John Woods for a House Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security hearing titled “Eleven Years Later: Preventing Terrorists from Coming to America.” (DHS)
August 2012
お知らせ (大使館)
お知らせ (大使館)
Diversity Visa (DV) Program (DOS)
July 2012
ペイジーに関するお知らせ (大使館)
Written testimony of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations National Security Investigations Division Assistant Director John Woods for a Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees, and Border Security hearing titled “Strengthening the Integrity of the Student Visa System by Preventing and Detecting Sham Educational Institutions” (DHS)
Written testimony of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Fraud Detection and National Security Directorate Associate Director Sarah Kendall for a House Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement hearing titled “The Aftermath of Fraud by Immigration Attorneys” (DHS)
Written testimony of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations Transnational Crime and Public Safety Division Deputy Assistant Director Waldemar Rodriguez for a House Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement hearing titled “The Aftermath of Fraud by Immigration Attorneys” (DHS)
Written testimony of U.S. Immigration and Citizenship Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations National Security Investigations Division Assistant Director John Woods for a House Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Transportation Security hearing titled “A Decade After 9/11 Could American Flight Schools Still Unknowingly Be Training Terrorists?” (DHS)
June 2012
Written testimony of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Coast Guard, and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement for a House Committee on Homeland Security Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Management hearing titled “U.S.-Caribbean Border: Open Road for Drug Traffickers and Terrorists” (DHS)
Written testimony of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations Executive Associate Director James Dinkins for a House Committee on Homeland Security Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security hearing titled “Border Security Threats to the Homeland: DHS’ Response to Innovative Tactics and Techniques” (DHS)
Fact Sheet: Transforming the Immigration Enforcement System (DHS)
April 2012
March 2012
Written testimony of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Detention Policy and Planning Assistant Director Kevin Landy for a House Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement hearing on Performance-Based National Detention Standards (PBNDS) 2011 (DHS)
新しいビザ申請手続きを開始 (大使館)
Written testimony of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director John Morton for a House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Homeland Security hearing on The President’s Fiscal Year 2013 budget request for ICE (DHS)
February 2012
非移民ビザ申請手続きの変更 - 更新 (大使館)
面接免除パイロットプログラム (大使館)
Testimony of USCIS Director Alejandro Mayorkas before the House Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement for a hearing entitled “Safeguarding the Integrity of the Immigration Benefits Adjudication Process” (DHS)
非移民ビザ申請手続きの変更 (大使館)
January 2012
DHS Reforms To Attract And Retain Highly Skilled Immigrants (DHS)
December 2011
Testimony Of Assistant Secretary David Heyman, Office Of Policy Before The House Committee On The Judiciary, Subcommittee On Immigration Policy And Enforcement: "The United States Visa Waiver Program" (DHS)
November 2011
Statement of Executive Associate Director Gary Mead, Enforcement And Removal Operations, U.S. Immigration And Customs Enforcement before the U.S. House Of Representatives Committee On The Judiciary Subcommittee On Immigration Policy And Enforcement: "Secure Communities Oversight" (DHS)
お知らせ (大使館)
DV-2013の登録期間は終了しました (大使館)
Statement of Kumar C. Kibble, Deputy Director U.S. Immigration And Customs Enforcement, before the United States Senate Committee On The Judiciary Subcommittee On Crime And Terrorism, Regarding A Hearing On "Transnational Organized Crime" (DHS)
October 2011
お知らせ (大使館)
Statement of John P. Woods, Deputy Assistant Director, National Security Investigations Division, Homeland Security Investigations, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission: "No Safe Haven: Law Enforcement Operations Against Human Rights Violators in the U.S." (DHS)
Statement of John Morton, Director, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, before the House Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement: "Oversight Hearing on U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement: Priorities and the Rule of Law" (DHS)
Fact Sheet: Smart, Effective Border Security and Immigration Enforcement (DHS)
September 2011
ビザ業務を行いません (大使館)
Secretary Napolitano and Secretary Salazar Lead Naturalization Ceremony with USCIS Director Mayorkas (DHS)
ビザ業務を行いません (大使館)
DV-2013 移民多様化ビザ抽選プログラム (大使館)
Statement of Peter T. Edge, Deputy Associate Director, Homeland Security Investigations, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, before the House Homeland Security Committee, Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security, "Ten Years after 9/11: Can Terrorists Still Exploit our Visa System?" (DHS)
Statement of John Cohen, Principal Deputy Coordinator for Counterterrorism, before the House Homeland Security Committee, Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security, "Ten Years after 9/11: Can Terrorists Still Exploit our Visa System?" (DHS)
変更のお知らせ (大使館)
窓口業務を行いません (大使館)
August 2011
I-130請願書提出方法の変更 (大使館)
June 2011
USCISがI-130移民ビザ請願書を統括 (大使館)
May 2011
DV-2012の抽選結果は無効に(大使館) Important notice regarding the 2012 Diversity Lottery Program (DOS)
Testimony of Deputy Assistant Director for International Affairs Gary L. Cote, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, before the House Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement, "The Visa Security Program" (DHS)
April 2011
March 2011
Testimony of Donald Neufeld, Associate Director, Service Center Operations Directorate, U.S. Citizenship And Immigration Services, Before the House Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement on "H-1B Visas: Designing a Program to Meet the Needs of the U.S. Economy and U.S. Workers." (DHS)
USCISニュース - 今回の災害で影響を受けた日本人へUSCISからのお知らせ(大使館)
Fact Sheet: DHS Launches E-Verify Self Check (DHS)
Secretary Napolitano Announces Launch of E-Verify Self Check (DHS)
非移民ビザ面接について- 更新(大使館)
非移民ビザ面接について (2)(大使館)
非移民ビザ面接について (1)(大使館)
DVプログラム応募者へ 注意喚起!(大使館)
注意 - DVビザ(大使館)
February 2011
Testimony of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Associate Director Theresa C. Bertucci Before the House Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement, "E-Verify: Preserving Jobs for American Workers" (DHS)
DHS and the Department of State Establish Annotated B-1 Visa for Foreign Maritime Workers Applying for the Transportation Worker Identification Credential Program (DHS)
January 2011
December 2010
代理申請時間変更のお知らせ (大使館)
Pay-easyシステム一時停止(2011年1月1-3日) (大使館)
ウェブチャット、時間変更のお知らせ (大使館)
November 2010
新請願書費用、2010年11月23日から実施 (大使館)
ウェブチャットのお知らせ (大使館)
DS-160申請書が更新されました (大使館)
DV-2012の登録期間は終了しました (大使館)
October 2010
10月27日(水)はビザ業務を行いません (大使館)
移民多様化ビザ抽選プログラムの受付 (大使館)
Secretary Napolitano Announces Record-breaking Immigration Enforcement Statistics Achieved under the Obama Administration (DHS)
September 2010
DV-2012 移民多様化ビザ抽選プログラム (大使館)
9月29日(水)はビザ業務を行いません (大使館)
Secretary Napolitano and USCIS Director Mayorkas Lead Naturalization Ceremony For More Than 5,200 New U.S. Citizens at Fenway Park (DHS)
9月19日(午前中)Pay-easyシステム一時停止 (大使館)
9月16日(木)はビザ業務を行いません (大使館)
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Matt Chandler on Pew Hispanic Center Report on Unauthorized Immigration Flows (DHS)
August 2010
ウェブチャット:領事に聞こう (大使館)
8月25日(水)はビザ業務を行いません (大使館)
電子渡航認証の申請手続き、有料化へ (大使館)
July 2010
米国留学についての質問受け付けます (大使館)
June 2010
移民ビザ申請料金が2010年7月13日より改定 (大使館)
May 2010
非移民ビザ申請料金変更! (大使館)
I-94出入国記録カードの廃止について (DHS)
ウェブチャット:領事に聞こう! (大使館)
April 2010
Pay-Easy申請料金支払いシステムメンテナンスのお知らせ (大使館)
March 2010
DHS Unveils Initiatives to Enhance E-Verify
Secretary Napolitano Announces Greece's Designation as a Member of the Visa Waiver Program
February 2010
CBP ニュース速報: ESTA渡航認証取得の強化(大使館)
January 2010
Secretary Napolitano Designates 11 New Countries as Eligible for H-2a and H-2b Nonimmigrant Visa Programs (DHS)
December 2009
午後休館のお知らせ (大使館)
午後休館のお知らせ (大使館)
Secretary Napolitano and USCIS Director Mayorkas Announce Full Implementation of New Law Providing Permanent Residence Eligibility for Surviving Spouses and Children of U.S. Citizens (DHS)
Pay-easy ATMの休止日 (大使館)
非移民ビザ面接時間の拡大 (大使館)
大阪領事館からウェブチャット開催のお知らせ (大使館)
November 2009
Prepared Remarks by Secretary Napolitano on Immigration Reform at the Center for American Progress (DHS)
お知らせ:ビザ業務 (大使館)
グアム/北マリアナ諸島連邦ビザ免除プログラム (大使館)
お知らせ:ビザ業務 (大使館)
お知らせ:ビザ業務 (大使館)
October 2009
DV-2011 移民多様化ビザ抽選プログラム (日本語) (大使館)
お知らせ:米国大使館は休館 (大使館)
お知らせ:台風関連 (大使館)
September 2009
ビザの更新について (大使館)
DV-2011 移民多様化ビザ抽選プログラム (英文) (大使館)
EVAFシステムメンテナンスのお知らせ (大使館)
Diversity Visa Important Information (DOS)
Pay-Easy申請料金支払いシステムメンテナンスのお知らせ (大使館)
インフルエンザ症状のある方へ 面接予約変更のお願い (大使館)
August 2009
Statement by Secretary Napolitano About Today's White House Meeting on Comprehensive Immigration Reform (DHS)
ESTAカスタマーサービスセンター (大使館)
July 2009
窓口業務停止のお知らせ (大使館)
Secretary Napolitano Announces New Agreement for State and Local Immigration Enforcement Partnerships & Adds 11 New Agreements (DHS)
Secretary Napolitano Strengthens Employment Verification with Administration's Commitment to E-Verify (DOS)
受付時間変更のお知らせ (大使館)
U.S. Department of State Electronic Diversity Visa Entrant Status Check website for DV-2010 (DOS)
June 2009
ESTAシステムメンテナンス (大使館)
お知らせ (大使館)
緊急・臨時旅券で渡米するビザ免除渡航者はe-パスポート(IC旅券)が必要 (大使館)
DHS Leadership to Participate in United We Serve (DHS)
ESTAサイトへのアクセス一時停止のお知らせ (大使館)
April 2009
Statement by Secretary Napolitano on President Obama’s Intent to Nominate Alejandro Mayorkas as U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Director (DHS)
Secretary Napolitano Highlights Illegal Immigration Enforcement, Appoints Alan Bersin as Assistant Secretary for International Affairs and Special Representative For Border Affairs (DHS)
Secretary Napolitano Announces Southwest Border Seizures Resulting from Efforts Against Trafficking and Illegal Immigration (DHS)
March 2009
DHS Delays the Transition to Full Application of U.S. Immigration Laws in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (DHS)
February 2009
January 2009
Upgraded Biometric Technology Facilitates Visitors' Entry to the United States
DHS Announces Guam-Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Visa Waiver Program
DHS Reminds Visa Waiver Program Travelers of ESTA Requirements Effective Today
December 2008
DHS Designates Malta as a Visa Waiver Program Country
Department of Homeland Security Expands Collection of Biometrics for Visitors
DHS Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman Issues a Study and Recommendations on Naturalization Oath Ceremonies
Statement by Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff on the Resignation of the Acting Director for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
November 2008
Fact Sheet: Visa Waiver Program Expansion
ESTA Authorization Required for All Visa Waiver Program Countries Beginning January 12
DHS Signs Agreement on Enhancing Cooperation in Preventing and Combating Crime with the Republic of Korea
DHS Signs Visa Waiver Program Interim Declaration with Romania
October 2008
ESTA Web site available in 13 additional languages for U.S.-bound travelers from visa waiver countries
September 2008
DV-2010 (移民多様化ビザ抽選プログラム)英文
August 2008
July 2008
Joint Announcement From The U.S. Departments Of State And Homeland Security On Passport Card Production
June 2008
臨時休館のお知らせ (大使館)
米国留学経験者の組織に関する情報を募集 (大使館)
DHS Signs Visa Waiver Program Interim Declaration with Bulgaria (DHS)
DHS Designates E-Verify as Employment Eligibility Verification System for All Federal Contractors (DHS)
DHS Announces Customer Service Improvements to Entry Process for International Travelers (DHS)
ESTA電子渡航認証システムについてのF&Q (大使館)
DHSがビザ免除プログラム渡航者に対する事前渡航認証システムを発表 (大使館)
Frequently Asked Questions: Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) (DHS)
Fact Sheet: Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) (DHS)
DHS Announces Pre-Travel Authorization Program for U.S.-Bound Travelers from Visa Waiver Countries (DHS)
May 2008
April 2008
DHS Proposes Biometric Airport and Seaport Exit Procedures (DHS)
DHS Signs Visa Waiver Program Agreement with Korea (DHS)
17-Month Extension of Optional Practical Training for Certain Highly Skilled Foreign Students (DHS)
March 2008
Homeland Security and State Departments Announce WHTI Land and Sea Final Rule (DHS)
Publication of Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) Land and Sea Final Rule, Questions and Answers (DHS)
DHS TRIP(Traveler Redress Inquiry Program)
DHS Begins Collecting 10 Fingerprints from International Visitors at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport (DHS)
DHS Signs Visa Waiver Program Agreements with Slovakia, Hungary and Lithuania (DHS)
Statement by Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff on the Resignation of the Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (DHS)
DHS Signs VISA Waiver Program Agreements with Estonia and Latvia (DHS)
February 2008
Fact Sheet: Border Security and Immigration Enforcement (DHS)
DHS Begins Collecting 10 Fingerprints From International Visitors at Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport (DHS)
DHS Begins Collecting 10 Fingerprints From International Visitors at Orlando International Airport (DHS)
Statement by Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff on the Resignation of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman (DHS)
DHS Begins Collecting 10 Fingerprints From International Visitors at Miami International Airport (DHS)
DHS Begins Collecting 10 Fingerprints From International Visitors at San Francisco International Airport (DHS)
Fact Sheet: H-2A Temporary Agricultural Worker Program (DHS)
DHS Proposes Changes to Improve H-2A Temporary Agricultural Worker Program (DHS)
DHS Begins Collecting 10 Fingerprints From International Visitors at Chicago O'Hare International Airport (DHS)
DHS Begins Collecting 10 Fingerprints From International Visitors at George Bush Houston Intercontinental Airport (DHS)
DHS Begins Collecting 10 Fingerprints From International Visitors at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (DHS)
January 2008
Important Change in International Land and Sea Travel Document Procedures (DHS)
DHS Begins Collecting 10 Fingerprints from International Visitors at Boston Logan International Airport (DHS)
ビザ申請料金の変更(注) (大使館)
December 2007
Pay-easy ATMの休止日 (大使館)
ビザ申請料金の変更 (大使館)
November 2007
Fact Sheet: Border Security and Immigration Enforcement (DHS)
September 2007
DV-2009 移民多様化ビザ抽選プログラム (大使館)
新ビザ情報サービスについて (大使館)
10本指の指紋による生体情報収集開始 (大使館)
August 2007
Fact Sheet: Improving Border Security and Immigration Within Existing Law (DHS)
July 2007
Department of Homeland Security Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman Releases Updated Version of 2007 Annual Report to Congress (DHS)
非移民ビザ補足申請書DS-157、DS-158に関する変更 (大使館)
May 2007
移民サービスの新料金体系 (大使館)
ビザ免除プログラムを改革 (大使館)
電話サービス時間の変更 (大使館)
移民法改革へ超党派で合意 (大使館)
Administration and Bipartisan Group of Senators Reach Bipartisan Agreement on Comprehensive Immigration Reform (DHS)
US-VISIT Moves Out of Biometric Exit Pilot Phase (DHS)
April 2007
福岡領事館でビザ申請受付を再開 (大使館)
システムメンテナンスのお知らせ (大使館)
March 2007
福岡での非移民ビザ申請受付再開 (大使館)
米国籍者のI-130請願書提出方法の変更 (大使館)
February 2007
Fact Sheet: U.S. Department of Homeland Security Announces Eight Percent Increase in Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Request (DHS)
2月1日より、新非移民ビザ予約システム開始 (大使館)
January 2007
Passport Requirement for Air Travel Begins Today (DHS)
Passport Requirement for Air Travel Begins January 23 (DHS)
重要なお知らせ - 2007年3月以降の面接予約について (大使館)
December 2006
Fact Sheet: Select Homeland Security Accomplishments For 2006 (DHS)
大阪・那覇総領事館の1月2日の面接についての重要なお知らせ (大使館)
2007年1月1日より、米国大使館におけるI-130請願書の郵送提出を中止 (大使館)
November 2006
Fact Sheet: Security Improvements to Visa Waiver Program (DHS)
米国の大学への留学生増加 (大使館)
非移民ビザの申請には EVAF DS-156が必要 (大使館)
October 2006
Fact Sheet: ICE Accomplishments in Fiscal Year 2006 (DHS)
Fact Sheet: Securing America’s Borders CBP 2006 Fiscal Year in Review (DHS)
E-パスポート(IC旅券)について (大使館)
September 2006
Vast Majority of Visa Waiver Countries Meet Security Upgrade to e-Passports (DHS)
郵送での新支払いシステム、9月19日より開始 (大使館)
Technology Enhancements to Fingerprint Databases Increase Information to Federal, State and Local Partners (DHS)
August 2006
US VISIT Deploys Biometric Entry Procedures to Additional Locations Thursday, Aug 17, 2006 (DHS)
Information on additional screening procedures for airline travelers (DHS)
July 2006
Department of Homeland Security Proposes Expansion of Visitors Enrolled In US-VISIT Thursday, Jul 27, 2006 (DHS)
6月15日より新予約システム開始:注 (大使館)
June 2006
6月15日より新予約システム開始 (大使館)
May 2006
8月の面接予約は6月14日から開始 (大使館)
Statement by Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff on the Senate Vote for Comprehensive Immigration Reform (DHS)
Press Briefing by Secretary Chertoff and Other Government Officials on the President's Immigration Reform Plan (DHS)
April 2006
Visa Processing now available in Sapporo (大使館)
January 2006
E-Passport Testing to Begin at San Francisco International Airport Friday, Jan 13, 2006 (DHS)
November 2005
Department of Homeland Security Provides Visa Waiver Program Report to Congress Tuesday, Nov 8, 2005 (DHS)
October 2005
Majority of VWP Countries to Meet Digital Photo Deadline Wednesday, Oct 26, 2005 (DHS)
移民法関連の申請料金変更のお知らせ (大使館)
September 2005
ハリケーン「カトリーナ」の被災地域に学校がある生徒への情報 (大使館)
July 2005
Worldwide Business Visa Center Opens July 15, 2005 (DOS)
Statement by Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff on the Bombings in London
Thursday, Jul 7, 2005 (DHS)
Transcript from Secretary Michael Chertoff Press Briefing on the London Bombings
Thursday, Jul 7, 2005
June 2005
ビザ免除国旅行者のパスポートにデジタル写真搭載の義務付け (大使館)
U.S. Extends Visa Validity for Chinese Students and Exchange Visitors (DOS)
DHS to Require Digital Photos in Passports for Visa Waiver Travelers Wednesday, Jun 15, 2005 (DHS)
Eメールによる問い合わせサービス開始 (大使館)
May 2005
Machine-Readable Passport Requirements To Take Effect at U.S. Borders on June 26, 2005. May 12, 2005(DOS)
Machine Readable Passports Required For All Visa Waiver Program Travel as of June 26, 2005
Thursday, May 12, 2005(DHS)
Machine-Readable Passport Requirements To Take Effect at U.S. Borders on June 26, 2005. May 12, 2005(DOS)
April 2005
Department of Homeland Security Announces Summer Research Opportunities for Faculty and Student Research Teams from Minority Serving Institutions
Thursday, Apr 21, 2005(DHS)
I-864(扶養宣誓供述書)の提出時期は今後はI-130(請願書)提出時に (大使館)
U.S. New Passport Initiative Announced to Better Secure America’s Borders
Tuesday, Apr 5, 2005(DHS)
March 2005
U.S. Department of Homeland Security Awards Design Contract for the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center Wednesday, Mar 23, 2005
運輸保安局、空港手荷物検査所から先への持ち込み禁止品目にライターを追加 (大使館)
2005年3月8日から領事業務の料金を改定 (大使館)
February 2005
Fact Sheet: US-VISIT Thursday, Feb 24, 2005(DHS)
02/19/05 Departments of State and Homeland Security Announce Improved Visa Processing for International Travelers(DOS)
Departments of Homeland Security and State Announce Improved Visa Processing for International Travelers Friday, Feb 18, 2005(DHS)
02/11/05 Extension of Validity for Science Related Interagency Visa Clearances(DOS)
02/10/05 2006 Diversity Visa Lottery Registrations(DOS)
02/10/05 Revision of the Schedule of Fees for Consular Services(DOS)
January 2005
01/28/05 Mexican Border Region Kidnappings of American(DOS)
Fact Sheet: Vision for 21st Century Immigration and Border Management System Tuesday, Jan 25, 2005(DHS)
01/12/05 U.S. Extends Visa Validity for Chinese Tourist and Business Travelers(DOS)
Fact Sheet: US-VISIT Tuesday, Jan 4, 2005(DHS)
DHS Entry-Exit System Meets 2004 Goals Ahead of Schedule Monday, Jan 3, 2005(DHS)
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